Reigen Re-erected
wo 19 mrt ’2520:15 - 21:55Podium Theaterzaal
English text
Following the success of Mission Molière and Crashtest Ibsen, Het Zuidelijk Toneel brings Reigen re-Erected (aka Rijgen, the Oerol hit of 2022). Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's Reigen, in which Schnitzler paints a portrait of sexual morality in the late 19th century in ten scenes. In this version, director Sarah Moeremans and writer Joachim Robbrecht humorously illuminate the mysterious and vulnerable corners of lust and love in our time.
In a relay of scenes, the actors enter a world of security, suffering lovers and pleasure seekers. From tinder date to long married couple, from webcam girls to asexual, from happy single to open relationship. Taboos and forbidden forms of love are not shunned, yet above all you experience a loving comedy with a deeper meaning.
Regie: Sarah Moeremans
Tekst: Joachim Robbrecht
Spel: Louis van der Waal, Keja Klaasje Kwestro, Joep van der Geest of Peter Seynaeve
Decor- en kostuumontwerp: Dorothee Curio
Fotografie: Sofie Knijff
In coproductie met: NTGent
Met dank aan Arianne van Vliet