Formerly Known As
vr 17 jan ’2520:15 - 21:40Theaterzaal
URLAND plays with fire artificial intelligence (AI) and questions what it means to be an artist in digital times. Are we actually still needed? Boundaries are blurring. AI is everywhere, hive mind. They took our jobs! World domination. "Data overload, everyone dies."
'Formerly Known As' is an existential meta-performance about ‘live art in digital times.’ URLAND collaborates with AI in a radical creation process: a play about a theater company using AI to make a play about what it means to be human. Meta, indeed. A battle between creator and creation: what happens when we render ourselves obsolete? Is this art, or can it go?
URLAND embraces the unknown and flies with wings of wax beyond the clouds. To infinity and beyond!
Press Quotes for 'Formerly Known As':
- "Theater collective Urland finds itself in a hall of mirrors exploring artificiality and authenticity, and the grey area where the two intertwine." - ★★★★ De Volkskrant (Sander Janssens).
- "The AI plot overflows with clichés, but sparks thrilling questions." - ★★★ NRC (Shira Keller).
- "With Formerly Known As, Urland offers a fascinating, unsettling glimpse into a digitized future: a provocative journey through the blurring boundaries of art and identity." - ★★★★ ChatGPT.
Kaleidos side program
This performance is accompanied by a Kaleidos fringe programme with acts, DJs and more, which is programmed by students from TU Delft.
[regular entrance fee including drink]
[Language: English spoken]
- Concept en spel: Thomas Dudkiewicz, Marijn Alexander de Jong en Jimi Zoet
- Sound design: Tomas Loos en Jimi Zoet
- Scenografie: Marijn Alexander de Jong en Hendrik Walther
- Lichtontwerp: Hendrik Walther
- Eind regie: Suze Milius
- Dramaturgie: Florian Hellwig
- Dramaturgie stagiaire: Hana Pospíšilová
- Kostuum advies: Kostuumatelier Theater Rotterdam - Erik Bosman en Sara Hakkenberg
- Productie: URLAND
- Coproductie: Theater Rotterdam