Comedy Club Delft #international

John Fealey, Lloyd Griffith, Kristel Zweers & André Vincent
wo 15 feb 20:30
wo 15 feb ’17
  • wo 15 feb ’17

Laugh your ass off - Maak kennis met pittige comedy van over de landsgrenzen: op 15 februari is het podium voor een internationale line-up aan comedians. Deze maand knalt de comedy club weer een stevige dosis internationale top comedy in Delft. De headliner is de excentrieke John Fealey. Daarnaast treden de volgende excellente entertainers op: Lloyd Griffith (MC), Kristel Zweers en André Vincent.

André Vincent (UK), a situational comic - One of UK’s TOP stand-ups: Andre Vincent was born May 1964 in Woolworth's Department Store Penge, and has not stopped appearing in the most unusual of places since, all over the globe. Challenging his teachers and breaking stereotypes along the way, his tongue tripping one-liners and observational thought-provoking anecdotes will make for an exciting and brilliant show.

Lloyd Griffith (UK) the next big thing! - This versatile, stand-up comedy beast - a regular on the UK live circuit and currently supporting Jack Whitehall and Rob Beckett on their UK tours- is finally crossing the pond. Hitting every nail on the head FHM called him “the next best thing!” and “inherently funny, never to be forgotten”(Chortle). Lloyd Griffith. Comedian. Countertenor. Beast.

Kristel Zweers (NL) "The ruder she gets, the better it is." – Kristel Zweers is Dutch so it is as you would expect; she doesn't bite her tongue! Her straight forwardness and no-nonsense approach to life result in sharp observations and uncensored comedy. Zweers only started to perform in English after her move to Singapore in 2013, leaving a successful Dutch comedy career behind. Within a year and with great success she was touring all of Asia, down to even Australia where she rocked it @Fringeworld. "It’s uncensored, unapologetic and unpredictable.”

John Fealey (UK) the Godfather of Stand Up – Everyone will remember him from his “put it in a zakje” sketch about the Dutch Albert Heijn vegetable department, though it’s best not to ask him to say “zakje” anymore. John Fealey has been making people laugh his entire life. He is a comedian and improviser who has created the Dutch stand-up circuit and has already spent over thirty years travelling the globe and causing trouble in theatres in over forty countries. His hobbies are watching women play pool, sleight of hand and carphology. His pet peeves are carrying things, small talk and raw tomatoes. His humour is considered “quiet brilliance”(TimeOut), “cynical”(The Stage) and “superb” (Eddie Izzard). Our godfather of stand-up is finally here, in Delft.

Locatie: Theatercafé | Engelstalig