InScience Film Festival (English)

Picture a Scientist
za 21 nov 15:00
za 21 nov ’20
  • za 21 nov ’20
    Theater de Veste

In collaboration with Studium Generale TU Delft and the Bèta Balie Delft, we are proud to present the first satellite edition of the InScience Film Festival in Delft. All films are introduced by an expert and after the film, there is an opportunity for discussion.

Picture a scientist

Beeld je een wetenschapper in. Wie zie je voor je? Grote kans dat je niet aan een vrouw denkt. Een belangrijke reden hiervoor is dat vrouwen vaak niet dezelfde kansen of hetzelfde respect krijgen als hun mannelijke collega’s in de wetenschap. In Picture a Scientist volgen we drie wetenschappers die te maken hebben met seksisme, intimidatie en systematische discriminatie in het academische veld. Tegen de stroom in en vanuit grote liefde voor het vak maken deze vrouwen zich sterk om de wetenschapscultuur radicaal te veranderen en verbeteren.

What do you see? Most people don’t imagine a woman. An important reason is that women in general didn’t have the same chances or gotten the same amount of respect as men got in science. In the documentary three women tell about their diverse, negative experience in the scientific world because of their gender, while also showing how their inner strength and love for their fields made it possible for them to change their surroundings for the better.

Introduction and discussion with Amy Thomas

Amy Thomas is Assistant Professor of the History of Architecture and Urban Planning in the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. She is an advocate for equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in architectural education and research.

InScience Festival

InScience is one of the largest science film festivals in Europe, and unique to The Netherlands. The festival is aimed at the intersection between film, science and society. The programme consists of science films, debates and an educational programme for children and youth. The sixth edition of the festival takes place between 11 and 15 november in and around LUX Nijmegen.

Van 11-15 november 2020 vindt de zesde editie van InScience – International Science Film Festival Nijmegen plaats. InScience is hét festival in Nederland voor de wetenschapsfilm. Samen met Studium Generale TU Delft en Bèta Balie Delft brengen we drie van de mooiste films naar het theater. De films worden begeleid door verdiepende lezingen van, en gesprekken met wetenschappers van TU Delft. De films en de lezingen zijn Engelstalig.

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